Professional service!
- For anyone wanting to start a business in the industrial sector
- For industrial stakeholders interested in starting a business in Saint-Hyacinthe, relocating to the area or opening a branch here
- For entrepreneurs seeking support in developing and growing their manufacturing business in Saint-Hyacinthe
We offer the following industrial development services:
- Business start-up and location assistance
- Support and guidance
- Help preparing business plans and financial forecasts
- Industrial space rental or purchase assistance
- Spaces available in three industrial parks
- Science and technology park, as well as specialized incubators in the agri-food, veterinary and agri-environmental sector
- Building construction fund
- Rental spaces available up to 400 000 sq. ft.
- Assistance in obtaining public and private financing
- Search for grants and public aid
- Search for venture capital
- Assistance in dealing with financial institutions and government agencies
- Project development support in your industry
- Business guidance and follow-up
- Consulting, orientation and referral
- Assistance with communications